Parting Thoughts

Announcing Topaz Web Solutions LLC

Posted 20 August 2007

It’s been awfully quiet here on the blog the past month or so… but that’s only because life here in the physical world has been busy, busy, busy.

I’ve been spending most of my time on a large Rails application for a start-up client. In another few weeks, I’ll be able to tell you about it.

I’ve also been formalizing my web development business as Topaz Web Solutions LCC. I’ve been operating as a sole proprietor until now, and it was time to pick a name and create a better legal structure. (The Topaz name, incidentally, has no particular significance; I was just looking for something short, memorable, and not already used, and came upon this after starting with Ruby.) I’m booked up through October, but would be glad to hear about any projects that could start after that.

I’ve also been hard at work on a resource site for web application developers, and I’ll be telling you about that soon.